A Process of Personal Growth and Evolution
The KiConscious™ system is a cutting-edge, collaborative consciousness-expanding process designed for individuals committed to a journey of self-discovery and positive transformation with a desire to catalyze change in their lives. Through this system, we work in partnership with all clients seeking to accelerate a process of growth and personal evolution, find deeper meaning and greater sense of purpose in their lives and who want to develop and enjoy a lifestyle of increased happiness, fulfillment, passion, and abundance.
Clients who seek us out are eager to improve and grow, and often know intuitively they are approaching or have arrived at a ‘tipping point’ in their lives, but may be held back by maladaptive expectations, beliefs, and emotions rooted in their past and present realities. We work with each client's present conscious experience, while helping them to best understand that sometimes their self-limiting behavior is being influenced by thoughts, feelings and beliefs of which they are keenly unaware. Our interdisciplinary process is designed to provide an ongoing partnership with clients to produce thoroughly fulfilling results that enhance the overall quality and meaning of their personal and professional lives by offering support to enhance the skills, resources and creativity they already have.
We Live by Choice, Not Chance.
The KiConscious system has proven catalytic for various individuals in the pursuit of providing a framework for living mindfully and presently, or in other words, consciously. The benefits of the system include thoroughly identifying and attaining a greater sense of meaning and purpose in one’s life by aligning beliefs, thoughts and actions with intentions, leading to actualizing potential, promoting growth, overcoming inhibitions, and improving efficiency and productivity at work. The fundamental activity in the process is evoking discovery and reframing through conversation about perceptions and life events, prompting shifts in awareness and the discovery of new possibilities and pathways for conscious living. When we live consciously, our body, mind, spirit and environment become vibrationally harmonized. We become acutely aware and conscious of our purpose and the gifts we have to offer the world. We gain a sense of interconnectedness and a feeling of centeredness.
Ambassadors of Transformation
We at KiConscious utilize a multi-modality approach in which each modality works synchronistically to help one gain an unbiased perspective on their life and identify and clarify expectations, enhance thinking and decision making skills, set and achieve attainable goals, develop strategies for creating balance in life that brings contentment and joy, and more. We encourage our clients to set challenging goals and measure their attainment of those goals by utilizing benchmarks of accountability. We have specific behavioral outcomes in mind at all times acting as benchmarks of success, and are continuously recalibrating to chart and maintain the optimal trajectory. We engage with each client in a rigorous discovery process. We believe that for one to truly understand themselves and experience more clarity of mind and inner balance, one needs to move into their deepest core. The more deeply we at KiConscious understand each of our clients, the more effectively we can assist that person in becoming more effective in their lives. The foundation on which we build such a life is self-awareness.
Similar to a conventional coaching methodology, the KiConscious process relies upon consistent dialogue focused on becoming aware of, and removing barriers that can prevent the client from making choices and decisions required to advance a personal vision in the most efficient and effective way. Coaching is not therapy, though it is compatible with therapeutic counseling. Coaching looks at the present, your current challenges, and how to improve the future with a goal-oriented approach towards life. KiConscious can be scaled to provide personalized one to one training for individual clients, as well as for targeted groups of people with workshops or retreats to sharpen their skills, and can be explicitly time-limited or ongoing and open ended once assessing clients’ needs. For each client that successfully engages in the collaborative consultative process, KiConscious is a journey of transformation and creation, that leads to the achievement of extraordinary results.
A Foundation of the Seven Universal Truths
Our system works with a fundamental understanding of the seven Universal Laws, or principles by which everything in the Universe is believed to be governed, which when applied helps to bring each client’s consciousness into alignment with their authentic identity. Ancient esoteric and mystical teachings dating back more than 5,000 years from Ancient Egypt to Greece and the Vedic tradition of Ancient India, all have as their through-line these seven Spiritual Laws of the Universe. The Universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these Laws. By learning to recognize and align thoughts with actions and integrate the seven major universal laws and spiritual principles, clients learn how to step into higher consciousness on a daily basis to integrate spiritual knowledge and spiritual practices into their decision-making process. This process significantly helps each person to understand and master habits, feelings, and thoughts that hold them back from achieving their goals. Aligning with and applying these Universal Laws, you will experience transformation in every area of your life.